Desiderata: A Cosmic Fairy Tale by Ali
“A beautiful exploration into the nature of reality.”
- Deepak Chopra
In the flowing tides of galloping quest,
we have set eyes on each other
then lost our sight,
over and over,
until we learned
to forget the chase.
Desiderata is a fairy tale, and epic poem, cosmic in its scope. It is the tale of two lovers who are cast out of their ideal realm by a jealous sorcerer. Born into our world, the man searches timelessly for his love in the many forms of the goddess - from mother to heartthrob to seductress and finally, in mature wisdom, immortal beloved. As the two lovers conclude their journey through the limitations of earth, their revelations free them from the mortal plane, to reclaim their eternal kingdom.
You and I,
ever one,
through the world without end.